Our Recruitment Process

Our recruitment process helps us screen and select the most suitable candidates for our vacancies. Applications for many of Rivalea’s vacancies can be highly competitive, not only with the high numbers of applications received, but also with the high calibre of the candidates who apply. Vacancies are advertised on Seek.com, internally, on various social media sites and at times, in relevant print media.

The following information aims to provide you with some guidance about our recruitment process and our expectations.


We recommend that your application includes a short (1 page) cover letter that explains your interest and suitability for the role you are applying for. You should also include an up to date and concise resume that highlights your qualifications, skills and experience. We value good formatting as well as correct grammar and spelling. Applications are assessed using criteria which includes the quality of your application, and your ability to meet the key responsibilities of the role; so investing time on your application is important.


Interviews are conducted in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and usually consist of 2-3 people on the interview panel. Dependent on the nature of the role, there may be a second round of interviews. For some roles, the interview process may include a literacy/numeracy quiz, scenario questions or even a presentation.


Candidates who are progressed from the interview stage will be required to consent to a National Police Check. You will need to provide identification and personal details for this process. Police checks are processed through our provider Fit2Work.


Selected candidates will be progressed to a health assessment following the interview. Candidates should be aware that progression to this assessment does not necessarily indicate our intention to offer employment; it is simply part of our process. Your contact details will be provided to Bodycare Workplace Solutions, who have a network of clinics across Australia. They will arrange an appointment with you at a clinic that is nearest to your location. The assessment will include a comprehensive functional assessment and a drug and alcohol screen.


Rivalea will carry out necessary checks to assess work entitlements prior to any offer of employment being made. We do this through the Department of Home Affairs. To complete this process, we will require your full name, date of birth, country of birth and passport number. You may also provide us with your Visa Evidence Card if you do not hold a current passport.


With your consent, we may contact your nominated referees. You should ensure that you have consulted with your referees about their inclusion on your application; that they are willing to participate at the time, and that their contact details are correct.


If you are offered employment at Rivalea, the on-boarding process will occur through an on-line system where you will be provided with login details to our employee portal. Within the portal you will receive your employment contract or letter of appointment, your position description, key Company policies and the Fairwork Information Statement. You can also submit your personal details, bank account details, tax file declaration and upload any relevant licences, qualifications or training certifications into the portal. Your information will be sent directly from the portal to our payroll department to streamline your commencement, and let you get on with the more important things on your first day at Rivalea.